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emc体育平台登录入口 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:emc体育平台登录入口 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-14
北京网站建设公司emc体育平台登录入口 中国:网站页面的布局方式、展示形式直接影响用户使用网站的方便性。合理的页面布局会使用户快速发现网站的核心内容和服务。如果页面布局不合理,用户不知道如何开始获取所需的信息、或者怎么样去浏览页面才能获得相应的服务,那么他们就会选择离开这个网站,甚至以后也很少再来访问这个网站。页面布局的基本原则是既要体现网站运营的重点,又要兼顾用户访问的网络行为习惯,这样,就需要从以下几个方面改善网站页面布局,提高用户体验。
The Beijing website construction company Luxuries: Chinese Web page layout, display forms directly affect the usage convenience. Reasonable page layout will allow users to quickly find a website is the core content and services. If the page layout is reasonable, the user does not know how to get the information needed, or how to browse page to obtain corresponding service, then they will choose to leave the site, and later also rarely come back to visit this website. The layout of the page is the basic principle of it is to reflect the website operators to focus on, but also the user access network behaviors habit, so, need from the following several aspects to improve web page layout, improve the user experience.

一 网站页面布局和内容的相关性。网站的界面布局和网站内容架构息息相关。界面布局首先就应该遵循用户浏览习惯和网站的信息设计,将内容合理有序的呈现在用户的面前,把重要信息放置在页面重要的版块使之重点呈现给用户。同时网站的界面布局也能从一定程序上反映出网站的运营思路,并且对最终的营销效果和转化率产生影响。
Web page layout and content correlation. Web interface layout and website content is closely related to architecture. Interface layout first should follow the user browsing habits and website design, content of reasonable and orderly in the user before, the important information is placed in the page important section to key is presented to the user. At the same time the website interface layout can also from certain procedures reflect the website operation train of thought, and the ultimate marketing effectiveness and conversion rate influence.

Ads were placed in the home of an important position, while the user is more concerned about promotions and discounts to better reflect the information. Web site using the purpose of advertising is to match the market marketing activity to do publicity, so the layout appears is the purpose of the construction site, and there is not enough to consider user needs.

网站竞争力认为:进行网站布局时应该考虑 1 从上到下,从左到右,按照内容重要性的优先级有序放置;2 重要的内容一定放在靠前显眼的位置; 3 建立清晰的视觉层次感; 4 页面布局要明确同级页面的布局统一; 5 页面内容上右包含关系的部分,视觉设计效果上要进行嵌套; 6 页面内容上相关联系的部分,视觉效果上也要体现相关性,同时也适合SEO网站优化
Website competition ability think : a site layout should be considered in 1 from top to bottom, from left to right, in accordance with the content of the importance of placing priority order; 2 important content must be placed on top position; 3 to establish a clear visual hierarchy; 4 page layout to clear the same level of the layout of the page; 5 pages the content includes part of right relationship, visual design effect to be nested; 6 page content related contact portion, the visual effect but also reflects the relevance, but also for SEO website optimization.

二 网站页面布局设计的兼容性。页面局部的兼容性主要从两方面考虑:一是要进行主流浏览器上的兼容,二是要考虑主流显示器分辨率上的兼容。浏览器主要是微软的IE和火狐firefox[Firefox 火狐3.0测试版下周发布] ,设计时应该考虑多种浏览器上都能正常浏览;而屏幕分辨率则主要是1024*768px和1280*1024px等,当前大多数用户还使用的是1024*768px,因此网站界面设计也尽量保持在主流分辨率的基础上,兼顾到适合未来主流分辨率的趋势,要做好UEO营销型网站建设。最后,随着3G时代的到来,移动商务也是未来发展的趋势,企业在建立网站时还有必要对手机浏览兼容,建立专供手机浏览的WAP网站。
Web page layout design compatibility. Partial page compatibility mainly from two aspects: one is to mainstream browser compatible, the two is to consider the mainstream display resolution on the compatible. Browser is Microsoft 's IE firefox[Firefox and Firefox Firefox 3 beta release next week ], should be considered when designing a variety of browsers can normal browsing; while the screen resolution is 1024*768px and 1280*1024px, most current users still using 1024*768px, so web interface design is also kept in the mainstream based on the resolution, balance to fit for the future trend of mainstream resolution, to do a good job in UEO marketing website. Finally, with the arrival of the 3G era, mobile commerce is the future trend of development, enterprise website is also necessary to establish compatible mobile phone browsing, for mobile phone browsing WAP sites.

网站竞争力认为:兼容性设计主要是 1 Web标准的熟练运用;2 网站界面应对主流浏览器兼容;3 网站界面应对主流分辨率兼容;4 网站界面对手机和屏幕阅览器等特殊设备的兼容。
Website competition ability thinks: compatibility design is 1 Web standards of proficiency; 2 web interface to mainstream browser compatibility; 3 web interface to mainstream resolution compatible; 4 web interface for mobile phone and the screen reader and other special equipment compatibility.

三 首页设计的要点。作为企业网上信息的第一入口,首页不仅扮演形象展示的作用,更重要的是起到信息传递的作用。目前,国内品牌企业的首页设计过于重视“形象展示”职能而忽略“信息传递”职能,导致大量企业网站首页一律是全屏flash,对用户快速获取信息造成阻碍。
Home design points. As the enterprise information the first entrance, home not only plays the image display effect, more important is to play the role of information transmission. At present, the domestic brands of home design attach too much importance to " image " and " information transfer functions ignore " function, resulting in a large number of enterprise website home page is always a full-screen flash users quick access to information, to hinder.

Therefore, the site's home page design in the transfer of brand image at the same time, let 's first visit to the user in the first time to understand the content of the website, service and function, at the same time, through the home, can quickly access sought target page, so the page design needs to have some of the basic elements: enterprise logo labeling, information search, global navigation bar, product catalog, dynamic news, information recommendation, site map elements.

网站竞争力认为:从整体上来看联想网站具备了大部分首页设计所需要的必要元素,但在热点产品、网站地图等细节上还有很多欠缺。同时,网上首页设计包括:1 站点的标示和使命,让用户明白这个网站是做什么的,有什么独特的地方;2 告诉用户站点提供的内容和服务有哪些;3 注册和登陆入口; 4 重点链接推荐,但要避免大量信息堆积首页让用户难以获取重点。
Website competition ability thinks: on the whole the Lenovo site has the most home design the necessary elements, but in a hot product, site map and other details have many shortcomings. At the same time, the online home design includes: 1 site marking and mission, allows users to understand this website is doing what, what unique place; 2 to tell the user site provides content and services which; 3 registration and landing entrance; 4 key links recommended, but to avoid a large number of home users to obtain information accumulation focus on.

四 网站列表页面的设计要点。常见的列表页面包括新闻等文字链接类型的列表和产品页面等图文混排型的列表。站内搜索结果页面也属于列表页面的一种。列表页面的特点是:用户在列表页面的浏览目的已经相当明确,集中于某一主题下的可选信息丰富,是通向内容页面的最后一道桥梁;用户在此页扫描式浏览,希望尽快找到链接目标进入内容页面。因此列表页面应尽量减少干扰信息,突出内容的链接标题。
Site list page design. Common list page includes news text type of link list and product page and other graphic mixed type list. Search results page to page a list. List page features : user list page browsing objective is quite clear, focused on a certain subject under the optional information to the page content is rich, the last bridge; users on this page scanning browsing, hoping to find links to content page. So the list page should minimize the interference information, highlighting the content link title.

This is Alibaba English edition product list page, thumbnails, product by product name and product introduction, information structure, the information bar is for browsing pages historical records and some related user tips and help information, convenient for users to browse.

网站竞争力认为:列表页面设计需要注意1 为列表增加一个标题和一段摘要信息;2 尽可能多的展示列表数量,减少频繁翻页;3 相邻两条列表之间明确区分间距,每条列表标题醒目;4 产品列表最好提供产品的缩略图;5 右侧信息栏有相关帮助信息和浏览提示。
Website competition ability thinks: list page design need to pay attention to 1 for the list to add a title and a brief information as much as possible; 2 the display list number, less frequent page; 3 adjacent two list clearly distinguish the spacing between, each list Title striking; 4 product list is best to provide product thumbnail; 5 the right information bar help information and browsing tips.

五 网站详细内容页面设计要点。详细内容页面应属于网站最深层次的页面,如单条新闻的详细内容或是单个产品的详细内容。一般都有较多的文字。形式上主要分为文字排版和图文混排。在详细内容页面上,用户获取信息的目的已经相当明确,此时不宜在页面左边或正前方视线最集中的地方出现干扰性内容,而应将干扰性内容置右侧或页面底部位置。同时,详细内容页面由于是网站的终极页面,大量用户在这里关闭窗口退出网站,因此有必要根据本页内容主题提供与本文相关的其他内容链接,如“emc体育平台登录入口相关的文章”列表,尽量挽留用户。
Site content page design. The details page should belong to the site of the most deep-seated page, such as a sheet of news details or a single product details. Generally have more words. The form is mainly divided into text layout and mixed map and text. In the detailed content on the page, the user access to information of the objective is quite clear, this time not in on the left side of the page or the front sight most centralized place appear to interfere with sexual content, and should take the interference a right or the bottom of the page location. At the same time, the details page as is the site of the final page, a large number of users here to close the window exit site, so it is necessary according to the page content themes related to this article links to other content, such as " the list ", try to retain customers.

网站竞争力认为:详细内容页面设计需要注意1 文章底部或右侧置放更多相关内容链接及其它推荐链接、广告;2 对于较长的文字,应该提供摘要和设计锚点目录;3 产品的详细页面中对于较复杂的参数宜采用表格或列表的形式更易查看;4 有用户评论留言功能; 5 增加用户选择推荐和投票排行。
Website competition ability thinks : details page design need to pay attention to 1 the bottom or right placing more relevant content links and other recommended links, advertising; 2 for the longer text, should provide the abstract and design of anchor directory; 3 product detail page for more complex parameters should adopt the table or list form more easily view; 4 user comments function; 5 increase the user choice recommended and voting list.

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