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emc体育平台登录入口 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:emc体育平台登录入口 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-14
北京网站建设公司emc体育平台登录入口 中国:学校网站建设是学校教育信息化建设的重要方面,是适应现代教育技术和信息技术的发展,加大学校对外交流与宣传力度,提高教学、科研、管理效率的重要途径;学校网站是学校对外宣传的窗口,也是展示全校师生才能,加强对校外联系,互相学习,共同发展的阵地,学校网站建设的目的是促进师生与学校共同发展,因此,需要全校师生共同参与,同心合力把学校网站建设好,本文无意过多的探讨学校网站建设技术方面的问题,而旨在更多的探讨学校网站建设的非技术的、思想观念等方面的问题,希望能对广大已经或正准备建设学校网站的学校有所裨益。
The Beijing website construction company Luxuries: Chinese School website construction is the school education informatization construction, is to adapt to the modern educational technology and the development of information technology, to increase the school exchanges and propaganda, improve teaching, scientific research, management efficiency; school website is a window of the school's external publicity, but also show the school teachers and students can, strengthen the out-of-school, learn from each other, common development positions, school construction site aims to promote the common development of teachers and students and the school, therefore, requires teachers and students participate together, join hands to build the school site, this article has too much on the school website construction technical problems, and to more on the school website construction of technology, ideas and other aspects of the problem, the hope of the majority already or preparing to build the school website school benefit.

A lot of, and strive to each level especially the school leadership support.

The school website should not just for the sake of tokenism, it requires considerably more substantive things to fill, which requires us to these website construction to school leadership reacted positively to the school website construction importance and the necessity, but also teach them, what we need now? Of course, as the school website construction needs most is capital, each school can according to their own circumstances and determine the way the construction funds for the school website: comparison of adequate school may consider the purchase of specialized WEB server, leased line access to the Internet, which later in the construction site can better flexing their muscles; if the school fund comparison of tension, it may consider renting space in the form of the school website website construction. Regardless of the way, we all must beforehand needs to have sufficient funds budget, otherwise, today to the leadership " to " twenty thousand " to ten thousand ", again tomorrow, it will be a very unpleasant things, even let the leaders doubt your ability. For example, our website is in construction initial stage, uses is rental space rental space, was unable to satisfy the need of the construction of the school site, we will " collect " reasons to the leadership required to establish special WEB server approach for the construction of the school website, our budget is: WEB server 60000, UPS uninterruptible power supply 20000 telecommunication cable line, the monthly rent 2000/ month, the leaders agreed readily, thought " is a brilliant leader " ah, of course, I also have the pressure, it is spending so much money if the website is done bad, that is " sorry sorry party, people ." and, oh, don't mind, doing little smile! Then after one or two months of government procurement, our school will have a dedicated WEB server.

Have a school dedicated web server, then you have more work to do:

Students promotional website is best " tool "

Now the students like the Internet, they are gregarious, and they will be to the country after graduation the four corners of the world, so the mobilization of students to participate in the school website construction, on the school website construction played a considerable role of propaganda. For example, in order to attract students to participate in website construction, in the early establishment of school had a school students participate in campus network literature match, ask students to work directly in the designated site page published, results in nearly two months time has received hundreds of contains poetry, prose, primary school and other forms of literature, from the selected school a number of excellent works and through the website more reward, some of the students work by some domestic student publications to ascend, this to the student and the construction site is a very good support; in addition, the school website also opened the school forum, inviting students to do for their own interests section of the moderator; occasional host computer works competition, provide students with the domain name space, also find many good works. Through this series of activities, can let more students know the school website and participate in, achieve good propaganda effect.

With the well-known websites and other forms of cooperation, to strengthen the construction of cyber source library, in order to obtain the support of the community

The school website to get recognized by the society, resources construction is an eternal theme. In my school website construction as an example, first do a good school own resources ( examination questions, courseware, courseware material resources resources, such as the collection of papers ), these resources will be available online and is updated ceaselessly, secondly, efforts to do a good job and domestic excellent website cooperation work, now our school website has been with the domestic excellent education sites such as star education network, hung in the network signed a cooperation contract, and strive with more excellent education website cooperation, in exchange for resources and other forms of access to their various teaching resources for the site (indicating the source ). Up to now, I have collected all kinds of test data, such as thousands of sets of courseware, teaching thousands of articles, pictures of nearly 10000 pieces, all free resources to attract every day thousands of web users, by the majority of users of praise, improve the visibility of the school, cooperative site also obtain more interests, too.

Strengthening the construction of School Alumni: alumni is indispensable for the development of power

An excellent school website is inseparable from the vast number of alumni participation and support, a school, especially a few decades or even nearly hundred years history of the school, at home and abroad, there are countless alumni, obviously, in the rapid development of information today, the alumni and school as well as between alumni and alumni are still mainly through ordinary mail or telephone contact way has lagged behind, as the alma mater, have an obligation to also have the responsibility to strengthen alumni building work, in order to further strengthen the alumni and school as well as the link between the alumni. Alumni, in many cases a mention of this problem is reminiscent of is only at the school does the celebration when sponsorship object, in fact, the majority of alumni to the alma mater is often more valuable invisible asset, they often provide the alma mater development suggestions, their success will promote the alma mater the development of College Students, plays a good role model, so we have no reason not to strengthen this piece of work. Our school alumni since the station began is key construction columns, currently has more than 6000 registered alumni, played a better communication effect, but in use, there are many problems to be solved, such as the use of simple, function is not strong, management functions need to be improved and so on, we initially for the purchase of a set of function relatively perfect new classmates to strengthen this work. Finally, we also prepare future graduation photos all online ( before graduation will be gradually organize online ), at the same time to the students graduation pictures are printed on the school website, in order to strengthen Alumni Association and the alma mater.

Campus news and campus style gallery construction to make teachers and students, alumni and the community to understand the campus dynamic

In the school website construction process, campus news and campus style gallery construction is very important, they can in some extent to reflect the school 's School of thought, teaching idea and the teachers and students in the campus learning life, often view these columns in addition to school teachers and students and I think there are some of the following groups: one is already graduated alumni, they care about the development of the school, it will often " come have a look ", imagine, if one has the job a few years old school again " to " alma mater can see his original photos still put on the school site, the mood is how excited, after all, his alma mater, also do not forget them; two, the education departments at all levels and the parents of the students, they need to understand some of the school education teaching work, and timely feedback to the school authorities their opinions or suggestions. Based on the above reasons, so to speak, now various school activities, as long as not to shoot too poor picture I'll put them in the site classification of campus style gallery, because I believe that a little, " today's news or picture " is tomorrow's " history ", for this I am proud, because I am in the record the history of the school!

Strengthen Department website and teachers personal website construction, promote teachers' active participation

The school website at the same time as the teaching and research group or individual teachers provide a stage to display their own, typically the school teachers to show their opportunities only below this in several ways: open classes, teaching writing papers, published courseware, school evaluation, several ways this display range is generally limited, confined to the the school or local education departments, and through the web form, teacher or group can give himself to the country and the world. Encourage teachers or teaching group building in construction site, my school leadership is indeed " wise ", for the establishment of teachers' personal or group web site has been given considerable physical and spiritual rewards, this will make more teachers participate in website construction, enhance the school website " comprehensive forces ".

More publicity is to enhance the website visibility necessary means

" The wine is also deeply afraid of the alley ", without the necessary means of propaganda, and excellent website without the necessary publicity can " bury ". As a school site, in addition to the above mentioned some means of publicity, I think we can do the following publicity work:

1. 注册搜索引擎,做SEO网站优化,让别人能“搜”到你。一些著名的搜索引擎或网站如雅虎、google、搜狐、网易、百度、新浪等都有网站登录功能,可以将自己的网站在他们的网站登录网页进行注册,将自己网站信息登记进去,这样网络用户在查找相关资源时便可轻易的进入到自己的网站;
1 registration search engine, SEO website optimization, so that others can be " found" to you. Some famous search engine or sites such as Yahoo!, Google, Sohu, Netease, Sina, Baidu has web site login functionality, can be their own website on their website login register their webpage, website registration information in the network, so the user in locating relevant resources can easily enter into their own website;

2. 到一些优秀教育网站“做广告”,我是指免费广告,比如说我校网站就曾登录K12网站、中国基础教育网等的论坛栏目,通过“灌水”等形式发贴,通过为这些网站的用户提供本校网站的会员帐号等形式吸引用户,必要时还可做做“假”,假装自己是一个与学校网站毫不相干的用户,然后对这些教育网站用户说“我发现一个优秀教学网站”,鼓吹一通,既不损人也可利人利己,何乐而不为呢?
2 to some of the best educational website " advertising ", I mean free advertising, for example my school website has been logged onto the K12 website, China Basic Education Network Forum " column, through the form of the irrigation ", through the site for these users to provide our website member account number and other forms to attract users, if necessary they can do the " false ", pretending to be a school website irrelevant user, then the user education website said. "I found a good teaching website ", advocating a pass, neither harm also can be egoistic people, what is there against it?

3. 注册网络实名,这也是一个让别人找到自己的方法:以我校为例,不少学生或校友不知道学校网站域名,结果我们注册了一个“红日网络”的实名,只要在浏览器地址栏输入“UEO营销型网站建设”便可进入学校网站,便于记忆。
3 registered name of network, it is also a let others find their way to my school: for example, many students or alumni don't know the school website domain name, the results we have registered a " Red Net " name, as long as in the browser address bar enter " UEO marketing website construction " can enter the school website, easy to remember.

Strengthen supervision and management, to prevent adverse information website

The school website in addition to the technical of server security configuration to prevent hacker or virus, the web site content especially dynamic columns must be to strengthen the supervision and management, the school website to face the main object still students, so the information monitoring and filtering is necessary, the filter is through the network technology to prevent some of the content appear on the website, this relatively easy to achieve, and supervision is a long-term firm task. The school site is different from the commercial websites, business website with dynamic content for 24 hours a day, whereas the school website construction generally only one person, may not have so much time to inspect the site content, which requires us to take necessary measures, I think culture " information " is a good way. I asked the forum moderator or close site found no adverse information at any time and contact me ( tell their telephone number ) or direct clear, so that timely treatment.

The school website builders have twelve dedication

Construction site should be said to be a " background ", write a program or to detect and repair a bug, may let you day and night work for several hours; collecting a batch of data, and then upload them to the pool, are more likely to use you for several days or even several time of ten days; winter or heat, day or night, the web server may appear at any time, it must run up to room, light is to restart the computer, or may need to reinstall the system; each school organize an activity, photos in time with the software to deal with, and then uploaded to the system, add text, this is also spend a lot of time; another day, may also have to deal with from the site or alumni ten letters or even dozens of emails, ... ... The key is, these works are " background" work, such work is actually has no work to go to work and holiday difference, can be said that few people can understand the pain, some of my colleagues do not understand or even thought you always sit in front of the computer " very comfortable ", do not have a twelve minute service spirit is difficult to do. Of course, to do the work to the leadership of the appropriate response to what is possible, in today's society, get some proper reward has not said that there is no " dedication ".

In ten, the school website construction connotation is the first, not much technical content in pursuit of

People talked about a school construction site, think of " professional " two words, difficult! Of course, this and our long-term evaluation system has considerable relationship. A simple example, I participated in many of the courseware appraisal, the judges seemed to have a default standard: if you are produced by PowerPoint, the first location has been basically formed, low grade! If you are using Authorware or flash production, " high technology ", now high one! Absurd!! If you notice, rarely seen which professors or scholars engage in talks with Authorware or Flash courseware or speech, even with PowerPoint is not much also, more it is the direct use of Word, is the so-called high level than the professor " high "? But the website contest appraisal is no exception, the first is the " appearance ", if the webpage doing well, even if there is no real meaning, the site of the score will not low, if a little content, it is very likely to be " high marks "; in comparison, the content is rich and quite useful website, if lack of beautiful appearance, even no chance " finalist ". Remember me from the start to get on the Internet now has been for many years, as foreign, Singapore United morning post, Sina, Netease, Sohu Home site, their interface almost no change and determination of art, but the website still has been recognized by everyone, in the world of Web site rankings come out in front, the website's success, I think the most fundamental point is its rich connotation and practical. So I personally think that school construction site don't think too much about technical problems, but should be considered more increase website content, can let a person from the school website gain rich knowledge and information, this is the key to the success of the school website construction, " the most beautiful sites are not necessarily good website, has the connotation of the website just has vitality more! "

Eleven, firmly grasp the message this secret weapon

The school website construction process, there have been alumni, resource user, user registration, most of them have their e-mail, take my school website, four years since, various types of registered mail has thousands of, thousands of messages may contact the thousands of sites associated with the school thousands of users, using good publicity, the school can play a multiplier effect, make use of the mail * * software can instantly send information to the thousands of user's mailbox, publicity and high efficiency is the traditional media incomparable.

The above are some of my years in school construction site in the wise remark of an experienced person, hope that the broad masses of the school website builder provides a useful and valuable experience, to promote school education information construction more a step, if have undeserved also hope everyone correction for xie.
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