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emc体育平台登录入口 中国携手维视智造,共同打造智能制造数字化网站建设平台

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来源:emc体育平台登录入口 中国| 类型:网站百科| 时间:2012-08-11
一、互联网发展概况及企业网络营销应用现状 从商务应用的角度纵观互联网行业的发展,从上世界未到 2000 年初,到联网的商务应用 从以以黄页的方式为表现形式,当时以emc体育平台登录入口 中国为代表北京网站建设的称谓叫 “名片站” ,也就 是能让别人在互联网上找到自己;往后发展,出现了现在最大的中文搜索引擎公司百度,阿里巴巴的诞生代表着 B2B 的起步和逐渐的成形,走过了 2002 的互联网行冬,中国的互联网呈现出百花齐放、百家争呜的态势,往后的十年,各种商务模式、盈利方式都日趋成形。
A, Internet development situation and enterprise network marketing application status from the point of view of a business application in the development of the Internet industry, from the world not to early 2000, to networking business applications from the way in the yellow pages for forms, when China on behalf of Beijing shang pin for the website of the appellation is called "card stand", it is to let others on the Internet to find their own; In development, the emerging now the biggest Chinese search engine company baidu and alibaba's birth represents the B2B start and gradually forming, past the 2002 Internet line winter, China's Internet present a letting flowers blossom and for blare trend, the next ten years, various business model, earnings are increasingly forming way.

前面有提到以百度为代表的搜索引擎和以阿里巴巴为代表的 B2B,继而出现的以新闻资讯 为代表的腾讯、新浪、网易、搜狐为代表的四大门户成为又一商业模式;随后以天涯为代表 的论坛、以 51 为代表的 SNS 交友网站,续天涯之后的猫扑、与 51 类传的专业交友站,门户 的交友频道,校内、开心相续出现,以及伴随着支付体系、诚信体系、物流和配送体系逐渐 完善而出现的 C2C、B2C 以及上网环境网民数量的提升,竞争壁垒也逐渐建立。
Front have mentioned to baidu, as a representative of the search engines and to alibaba, as a representative of the B2B, and then there's the news information as a representative of tencent netease and sohu, sina, as a representative of the four big portal become and a business model; After that there, as a representative of the BBS, 51, as a representative of the SNS dating sites, the renewal of the wise, and after 51 professional making friends of the stand, portal dating channel, the school, happy sequential appear, and with the payment system, credit system, logistics and distribution system and appear gradually improve the C2C and Internet environment, B2C improve the number of Internet users, barriers to competition gradually established.

伴随着上网环境的日益改善网民的数量也日益增多, 用户的上网行为的习惯也从之前的看 看新闻、 听听音乐的娱乐行为, 慢慢转向以搜索和筛选需要的数据信息和网上购物为代表的 商务应用行为,做为传统行业的企业,很多公司已经过过网络来建立销售渠道、开发终端客 户,更高性价比找到网络品牌,但做为“非专业互联网公司”的传统企业,很难做到像技术 公司一样深谙互联网的水深水浅, 停留在肤浅而未结合技术的应用层面, 从而形成相对蓝海。
 With the increasing improvement of the Internet environment the number of Internet users are increasing, the user's Internet behavior habits are also see the news from the look before, and listen to music entertainment behavior, slowly turned to search and selection in the data needed information and online shopping as a representative of business applications behavior, as a traditional industry enterprise, many companies already have the network to establish sales channel, development terminal guest door, higher price find network brand, but as a "nonprofessional Internet company" traditional enterprise, it is difficult to do as the technology companies capable of Internet water deep water shallow, stay in shallow but not with the application of the technology level, thus form the relatively blue ocean.

二、企业互联网营销的机遇及网络应用的瓶颈传统企业互联网应用的机遇表现在某些行业和领域存在着互联网应用的空白和商机, 以及传统企业没有和不能很有效的将网络技术和传统行业相结合来实现有效的商业应用价值; 就目前而言通过网络已经盈利的公司有只做竞价广告, 竞价加简单传播二种大体方式, 公司架设电子商务和网络营销部门,并能有效运作和产生效益的屈指可数,究其原因,问题出在传 统企业对相关互联网领域不熟悉、不了解,研究不深、不透等等, 部分大集团、企业虽然架设了电子商务部门,但因为领导思路和想法的原因,大都流于形式,导致的问题是好的意见得不到尊重,好的方式得不到采纳,具的事情得不到落实,进而 形成了电子商务部门成了公司内耗最大的一个部分, 但从传统中小企业型生产类企业, 一年通过网络接 1-2000 万业务的事实和数据, 做为行业的大公司, 我们是否应该反省和反思呢?
Two, the enterprise of Internet marketing opportunities and Internet application of traditional enterprise Internet application of the bottleneck opportunities in some industries and field performance there are Internet application of blank and business opportunities, and traditional enterprise not and cannot be very effective network technology and combining the traditional industry to realize effective commercial application value; For the present through the network has been profitable company have do for advertising, bidding and simple communication two general way, the company set up the electronic commerce and the network Marketing Department, and can effectively operations and benefits can be counted, the reason is that the problem in the series of related enterprise Internet field not familiar with, do not understand, the research is not deep, not through, and so on, some big group, enterprise though the electronic Commerce Department set up, but because the leadership thought and ideas of reason, mostly become a mere formality, cause is good advice lack of respect and, good way not adopted, with things can't get out, then forms the electronic Commerce Department became one of the biggest company internal friction part, but from the small and medium enterprise production of traditional enterprise, a year through the network meet 1-20 million business of facts and figures, as the industry company, whether or not we should reflect and reflection?

三、企业互联网营销的策略及高效快速的技巧 就传统企业网络营销应用和推进电子商务进程而言, 工作的核心和关键分、 长期规划和近 期计划是重点,其中结合互联网找准自己的产品和定位,找到可行的商业模式是第一步,是 开发终端客户?还是建立销售渠道网络?或都二者都有?客户是否在网上, 是否有现实的可 操作性?其次, 具备基础的前提条件下结合技术的推广运作, 才能把网络的优势充分发挥以 及最大程度提升网络做为工具的低投入高产出比的性价比优势。
Three, enterprise of Internet marketing strategy and quick and efficient skills is traditional enterprise network marketing application and promote the electronic commerce process is concerned, the core and key points work, long-term planning and nearly phase of the project is the key, which combined with the Internet to find a product and positioning, find viable business model is the first step, is to develop terminal customers? Or a sales channel network? Or a combination of both? Is the client on the Internet, whether the maneuverability of the reality? Second, have basic premise condition of the combination of technical promotion activities, to the advantage of the network into full play to the largest extent with and promotion network as a tool of low cost but high cost performance advantage than that.

建站策划, 既是对某一站长行业进行精心的设置与布局, 试图将该站在同类网站领域里更加优秀突出,达到建站者的某种目的性。建站策划的含义很广,每一位站长对其感受都不 同,但常规的说法就是建立网站之前所有做的一些准备工作。例如,SEO网站优化UEO营销型网站建设、拟策划书、理清建站的 步骤、分析网站的情况等策划阶段,在学习、生活当中我们所做的每一件事,所要说的每一 句话都会经过大脑的思考,拟定。这样才不至于把事情做得糟糕,才能使事情有条理性的发 展,体现个人说话的艺术及其蕴含的表达力。在古三国里,兵家大事,岂能容忍拿他人性命 开玩笑之理,诸葛亮先生所做的每一件战术,都有经过他的深思熟虑,才使其做事有未卜先 知之能。都说个人天分在于一,经验的阅历资源在于四,有效的整合升华在于五。
Site planning, not only is to a webmaster industry by industry setup and elaborate layout, and try to hit the same kind website more outstanding outstanding in the field, to the site of a purpose. Site planning meaning is very wide, every webmaster to its feelings are not with, but the conventional version is a web site on all do some preparation before work. For example, SEO website optimization, UEO marketing type website construction, to plan book, the establishment of the clear steps, the condition of analysis of site planning phase, in the study, life what we do every thing, have to say a word after each of the brain would think, drawn up. So just not doing things badly, can make things one hair exhibition, reflect individual talk of the art and its contain expression power. In The Three Kingdoms, the great things, will he take others tolerate life right of the joke, by Mr Zhuge liang every piece of tactics, have passed his thoughtful, which makes it work is the first to have known. All said individual genius a, experience experience in four resources, effective integration distillation is five.

所以说, 建站之前,重要的并不是懂得如何搭建网站、建站优化,而应该是理清建站线路、把常见的 问题以及后期的网站维护等策划工作做好做足。
So, before the site, important and not know how to build its web site, the site optimization, and should be a clear line, the common multiple problems and later the website maintenance planning work well enough.

一、建站之由,目标在何方 每个人都有不同的想法,有其独特思维方式,所以许多站长建站的初衷的有所区别,有的想创立事业型的,为个人的创业之路打下基础;有的是建立个人爱好型的,建立出属于自 己个性化的网站;也有的是为了社会福利型的,为了造福百姓、服务有需要的人群等。无论 是上述中的哪几种目的,亦或是出于其他的想法,想要网站获得生机,做的长远,基础的建 站策略是必不可少的。
A, the site by, the goal in where everybody has different ideas, has its own unique way of thinking, so many webmaster the establishment of the purpose of the different, some want to party was founded, the road of the business for individuals to lay the foundation; Have a plenty of establishing personal hobbies type, creating belong to myself from personalized web sites; Also some for social welfare, to the benefit of the people, and the service needed people, etc. No matter which of several purpose is the above, also or of other ideas, want to web site for vitality, do long term, is the basis of building stood strategy is indispensable.

在明确了自己建站的目的之后, 还得知道自己做这个网站应该添加什 么样类型的内容,为什么样的人群服务,盈利的方式一哪些。常说人不可以没有目标,只要 有了目标之后才会有动力,才会一偶长远的对策,遇事能胸有成竹。
In explicit oneself after the establishment of the purpose, still have to know you're doing this website should add what does kind type of content, what kind of service for people, what a profitable way. Often say that person can not not have goals, as long as there are goals will have power after, will a accidentally long term measures, it can have a card up one's sleeve.

二、洞悉行业规律,取之长,击其短 当我们确定了个人网站的性质,接下来就应该策划下一步了。
Second, insight industry rules, take long, and its short when we determine the nature of the personal website, then should planning the next step.

首先,我们应该洞悉同类 型行业的一些情况,我们需要做的就是整合大量的资料,总结该行业的一些详情。例如,做 企业网站的就得晓得企业业里的行情, 要从竞争对手到潜在的竞争隐患及其发展的趋势。 这是需要个人犀利的眼光及超乎寻常人的商业嗅觉能力。 古人云:知己知彼,方能百战不殆。我们只要抓住行业的核心规律,才能最大限度的发 挥自己的优势,就像市场规律一样都有规律可循,只要看清趋势就可以获得先机,对突发事 件作出最快最有效的反应。人无完人,在同类型行业里,在做的最完美的同时,也不可能做 到方方面面都具到, 存在着缺陷。 这时, 我们就需要深入了解其情况, 建立在自己的优势上, 从而不失时机地给对手迎造一个措手不及。在策划阶段,我们就应该有计划的策划,培养自 己的优势,攻击竞争对手的欠缺。
First of all, we should discern the similar type of some of the industry, we need to do is integrate a lot of material, summarized some of the details of the industry. For example, do enterprise web site have to know the prices of the enterprise industry, from rivals to potential competition hidden dangers and its development trend. This is the need to personal sharp sight and extraordinary people business olfactory capacity. The ancients cloud: the enemy and know yourself, you can. We want to hold the core of the industry rule, to maximize the advantages of the hair of his swing, like market law have rules, as long as see the trend can get the initiative, a thing to make the fastest thing the most effective response. Nobody is perfect, in the same type industry, in the most perfect do at the same time, it is impossible to do with every aspect, there are defects. At this time, we need to further understand the situation, based on their own advantages to lose no time to give rivals meet made a flat-footed. In the planning stage, we should be planned planning, training myself from advantage, against the lack of competition.

三、合理分配,团结协作 建立一个持久性的优质网站不是一个人的能力所能做得最好的, 一位才智双全的商业家 也需要团队的协助才能发挥其智慧的优势, 一位国际性的研究开发师也需要团队的协作, 才 能将其完美的构思转化成为现实的产物。因此, 团队的团结协作,合理分工也属于建站策 划范畴内。 四、网站后期的基础性维护 网站后期的基础性维护, 也是网站策划的关键一步, 它不仅关系到个人网站建立或者盈利目的好坏,而且关系到整个网站所付出的努力与心血,因此,网站策划中是否涉及到这一 步很重要, 相信许多新手站长建站都不会考虑到这遥远的一步的, 学一步走一步这样的彼彼 皆是,简单的策划一下就迫不及待的优化了。
Three, rational distribution, the unity cooperation to build a lasting quality web site is not a person's ability to do best and a wit and proper business home also need the help of the team can play the advantage of wisdom, an international research and development division also need team collaboration, just to take its perfect idea into the reality of the product. Therefore, the team solidarity, rational division of labor also belong to the category for multiple strokes. Four, web site later basic maintenance of website later basic maintenance, also is the key step web site planning, it is not only related to personal website set up or profit purposes, good or bad, but also relates to the website's efforts and the painstaking care, therefore, website planning is involved in to this in step is important, believe that many new adsense site won't consider this distant step, learn step step such bee-bee all is, simple planning once eager optimization.

常说的网站后期维护是指,在自己的网站优化 到了一定的排名之后,进行稳定的更新内容,做做推广等。看似简单的一步,实则蕴含着激 烈的竞争, 如果我们可以早在网站建设阶段就策划好了这一切, 把握住竞争对手的详情和所 出现的问题等,相信许多优化网站的问题都会迎刃而解了。
Often say web site later period maintenance is to point to, in their own website optimization to certain list, stable updated content do promotion, etc. The seemingly simple step, actually contains the shock of intense competition, if we can early in the website construction phase of planning well it all, grasp the rival details and the problems occurred in the and so on, it is believed that many to optimize your questions can be easily solved.
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